Transfer Window winners and losers

Transfer Window winners and losers

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Another summer has pa sed and as always there has been some interesting and eye catching deals, especially on the last day as the inevitable panic sets into managers andthey desperately attempt to ll gaps left by other rushed transfers. This window hasbeen as busy as any other and fans acro s the country have been left either heartbroken as their heroes leave or licking their lips as they may just be watching the nextbig thing in their beloved strip as the season unfolds, but who has done the bestbusine s?Arsenal is the most logical place to start as they have probably had the most mediaattention since the close of the season. Many will obviously state that Arsenal have lostout during the transfer window as they have lost long serving captain and mideldmeastro Fabregas with the transfer saga with Barcarlona nally coming to an end, alongwith creative dynamo Nasri. With games that have surpa sed since the two left the clubhave suggested bleak times ahead, with one point from three, a rst defeat on Arsenalground against Liverpool in eleven years and an absolute destruction by defendingchampions Man Utd. If things stayed as they were then indeed Arsenal would havebeen given the title of worst busine s during the window, however thankfully Wengerwoke up and realized his young guns did not provide adequate depth. Maybe therollicking against the devils made him realise just how inept his squad was as hestrengthened with Arteta, Mertesacker, Traore and Benyaoun late on, add to thisGervinho who does have promise and Arsenal have a lot to look forward to. Its the rsttime that Wenger has signed proven quality rather than banking on a hot prospect andthat will be very benecial as last season they lacked that leader and a few extraexperienced players may be just what the doctor ordered for the Londoners. I still dontbelieve they have enough about them to nish 4th however, as Fab and Nasri areirreplaceable, but the likes of Arteta and Yo si can ll the void slightly and they nallyhave a natural leader at the back in Mertesacker, they alone might just save them froma ma sively embarra sing season that looked very likely before Wenger spent out.Liverpool have spent out big bucks investing primarily in British talent, and generallyspeaking they have done brilliant busine s, lling gaps that have been a problem formany years. This main gap is the position of winger, for years now Liverpool have beenone of those most guilty of lling round holes with square pegs, with Gerrard even beingforced out wide for the club, in Downing however they have welcomed a natural wingerwith bundles of talent through the doors for the rst time in too long. And hes alreadyimpre sed, add to this the big man Carroll up front aching to get on the end of cro sesand you get a signing that explains itself. The best signing by the Terron Armstead Jersey club was CharlieAdam however, and personally I believe this was signing of the season, the 25 year oldwas a bargain and is a playmaker that can rival Alonso who the kop still hold close totheir hearts and an amazing skill at set pieces. Jose Enrique is another very cleversigning and again stops Dalglish having to play a player out of position as Enrique is anatural left back, unlike Johnson. With a debut that saw him win man of the matchagainst Arsenal Enrique has bundles of talent and him and Downing could be givingright backs headaches all season. Despite all this promise there are some transfersthat are puzzling, obviously the main one is the shock signing of Bellamy, an experienced player albeit, but at 32 and with a temperament that remains untamed is he really a reliable back up to Carroll and Suarez? The second is Henderson, he is a player with future, that is undoubtable, however with the central mideld options available before his signing was it really nece sary? Spearing has just as much potential as Henderson,and more pa sion for the club, the sale of Merelies, probably because Henderson madehim surplus requirements makes the deal even more questionable, the plmoved of lastseason for the reds moved to a rival club because of Henderson and there are stillquestion marks whether hell rise to the quality that will prove hes worth both his pricetag and his disruption to the squad. Of course I may end up eating my words and withthe coaching of Dalglish Henderson will rise in quality and calibre, and one day he mayll the big boots of Gerrard, however right now, and with the central mideld options thatwere available at the time another centre back may have been a wiser investment.The blue side of Manchester have once again spent big bucks, and just like Liverpoolthey have made signings that can fall both side of the fence on whether they will beworthwhile or not. Beginning with arguably the biggest signing for the premier league, Aguero, they have a player with ma s quality and could just have signed a player thatwill set the top tier on re this season, hes already impre sed, and may be one of the players of the season. Add to this the addition of Nasri and Clichy fromArsenal and it is little wonder that theres title talk going around Eastlands, especially as Nasri looks to have already settled and unlocked the flair that made him such a big player at the Gunners. The latesigning of Hargreaves is one of those that may fall on the other side of the fencehowever, as the injury prone Englishmen never really made an impact at Citysneighbours, and why would any club going for the title sign their main competitors deadweight? In Bellamy City lost a player that was taking up a high wage whilst giving littleback to the club and soon Mancini may realise that hes simply readded to this list withHargreaves.On to another big spending club in blue lets turn attention to Chelsea, always adominant force in the transfer market, however for once they did not grab all theheadlines with their deals. They did however play their standard trick of throwing moneyat rivals transfer targets. A week after Matas deal with Arsenal died down Chelseatargeted the player, and sure enough Stamford Bridge was Matas preferred destination,it is understandable why there was so much over the 23 year old winger with storiesemerging about him as soon as the window opened. Hes a cla sic Spainish winger,with pace and a creative air with a bright future ahead of him and may go down in thehistory books at Chelsea. Mereiles, as aforementioned was Liverpools player of theseason last season, and its a big lo s for the Reds, the Portugese midelder iseverything you want from an attack minded central midelder, he can be playmaker andgoal scorer, proving this against his current employer as he netted against Chelseawhilst still in red, and if he gets the playing time at Chelsea he will prove himself as adecent Noah Igbinoghene Jersey signing. Romelu Lukaka was a big signing for Chelsea as Villa-Boas spent out around 20mil on the young forward, and the Belgian may just develop to be a perfect replacement for Drogba.The defending champions have been understandably quiet in the close of the season,why would they need to add to an obviously winning formula? Despite this they did pulloff two ma sive signings in Young and Jones. In Young theyve acquired the best English winger out there, hes already proven hes of a high enough calibre to warrant a rst team place at Utd. and the only way is up from here and hes set to have anincredible season. In Jones the champions have a perfect replacement for Ferdinand,Jones has a lot of potential and looks to be a young John Terry in the making as hethrows himself about defending at all costs like the Chelsea stalwart, former bo s Keanadmitted on Sky Sports that he may have lost the future captain of England and signingfor a team such as United has only set that situation to play out perfectly. De Gea was asigning that Ferguson would have preferred to avoid as he did all in his power to keepVan Der Sar playing for another year, there has been a lot of talk of De Gea andwhether hes ready to step in between the sticks for the devils. The tabloid vultures havealready swarmed and cla sed him as a calamity after some very shaky moments. Thisis warranted as the Community Shield was a game De Gea Mark Duper Jersey would probably want toforget, and many corner balls that hes committed to and not claimed have rival fanslaughing, despite this his does have potential and once he settles in and his nerves arecalmed he may be able to rise to the met the high expectations left by his Dutchpredece sor.Spurs have been the quietest club in the top six, and this is for the simple fact that theydont have the big bucks like those above, its a sad situation as they will not be able tomount a serious challenge for a champions league spot this season, just because ofmoney in the game. They have however snapped up Scott Parker, for whom age isagainst, but undeniably hes still an effective engine and puts in a shift every game, alink up with him and Van Der Vaart is an exciting prospect. There is also a strong centre forward for Parker to aim for in the form of Adebayor, who is a good free signing due to the loan status of the transfer, Spurs strike force was the area that was most lacking last season and in Adebayor they have a strong natural forward that can lead the line well.Even outside the top six there has been big transfers, primarily by QPR with the freesigning of Joey Barton. Hes very much cut from the same cloth as Bellamy in the sensethat his temper has always been a problem and very much over shadows theplayers ability, and he is one of those players that fans love to hate. He is perfect forQPR though, an experienced player who will rally the premier league newbies whenmorale may hit a low. Blackburn Rovers are another club who have made impre sivesignings, Scott Dann in particular will prove to be a worthwhile signing as he was therock that the Blues mi sed in the second half of the season that he spent injured andwill ll the place of Jones with little transition. Sunderland have been the busiest cluboutside the top six, adding depth and experience, mainly from the red side ofManchester but they have also added excitement and creativity in the form of SebastianLar son who scored an impre sive goal in his debut and is another player who did wellfor Birmingham last season. Ex-Birmingham bo s Mcleish has done some good buisne s the other side of the second city as bo s of Aston Villa, signing Given, NZogbia, Hutton and Jenas, all solid experienced Premier League players that may just see Villa challenge for a Europa League place.Ultimately I dont mean to sound cheesy but the main victor of this transfer market is theEnglish game, as strengthening acro s the country is going to lead to better matches,higher competition and a closer title race. With an 8-2 thriller already being played outbetween two clubs that nished in the top four, and a 5-1 between 3rd and 5th, thisseason promises to be one of the best in recent years.
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